Follow @hobycartoons The Road to Nowhere Archive A comic strip about MPs’ researchers set in Westminster. W4MP #181 W4MP #180 W4MP #179 W4MP #178 W4MP #177 W4MP #176 W4MP #175 W4MP #174 W4MP #173 W4MP #172 W4MP #171 W4MP #170 W4MP #169 W4MP #168 W4MP #167 W4MP #166 W4MP #165 W4MP #164 W4MP #163 W4MP #162 W4MP #161 W4MP #160 W4MP #159 W4MP #158 W4MP #157 W4MP #156 W4MP #155 W4MP #154 W4MP #153 W4MP #152 W4MP #151 W4MP #150 W4MP #149 W4MP #148 W4MP #147 W4MP #146 W4MP #145 W4MP #144 W4MP #143 W4MP #142 W4MP #141 W4MP #140 W4MP #139 W4MP #138 W4MP #137 W4MP #136 W4MP #135 W4MP #134 W4MP #133 W4MP #132 W4MP #131 W4MP #130 W4MP #129 W4MP #128 W4MP #127 W4MP #126 W4MP #125 W4MP #124 W4MP #123 W4MP #122 W4MP #121 W4MP #120 W4MP #119 W4MP #118 W4MP #117 W4MP #116 W4MP #115 W4MP #114 W4MP #113 W4MP #112 W4MP #111 W4MP #110 W4MP #109 W4MP #108 W4MP #107 W4MP #106 W4MP #105 W4MP #104 W4MP #103 W4MP #102 W4MP #101 W4MP #100 W4MP #99 W4MP #98 W4MP #97 W4MP #96 W4MP #95 W4MP #94 W4MP #93 W4MP #92 W4MP #91 W4MP #90 W4MP #89 W4MP #87 W4MP #86 W4MP #85 W4MP #84 W4MP #83 W4MP #82 W4MP #81 W4MP #80 W4MP #79 W4MP #77 W4MP #76 W4MP #75 W4MP #74 W4MP #73 W4MP #72 W4MP #71 W4MP #70 W4MP #69 W4MP #68 W4MP #67 W4MP #65 W4MP #64 W4MP #63 W4MP #62 W4MP #61 W4MP #60 W4MP #59 W4MP #58 W4MP #51 W4MP #57 W4MP #56 W4MP #55 W4MP #54 W4MP #53 W4MP #52 W4MP 50 W4MP #49 W4MP #47 W4MP #46 W4MP #45 W4MP #44 W4MP #43 W4MP #42 W4MP #40 W4MP #39 W4MP #38 W4MP #36 W4MP #35 W4MP #34 W4MP #33 W4MP #32 W4MP #31 W4MP #30 W4MP #29 W4MP #28 W4MP #27 W4MP #26 W4MP #25 W4MP #24 W4MP #21 W4MP #20 W4MP #19 W4MP #18 W4MP #17 W4MP #16 W4MP #15 W4MP #14 W4MP #13 W4MP #12 W4MP #11 W4MP #10 W4MP #9 W4MP #8 W4MP #7 W4MP #6 W4MP #5 W4MP #4 W4MP #3 W4MP #2 W4MP #1 Prorogation Shadow Cabinet Updates Pt. 2 Updates Pt. 1 Monument Victory Speech Shock Result Too Close To Call Going Live Election Night Defeatism Trousers Ageism Polling Uncertainty Brash Canvassing Tales From The Campaign Trail 2015 Standards Accord Casualty Hostage Fortesque Clutter Nanny State Plebgate Exit Cabinet Meeting Vacancy Found Forgotten Sports & Social Fold In Charge Refurbishment Distraction Office Assistant Skynet Voice Activated Smartphone Champions League Delusions Of Grandeur Office Staff Plaudits Masthead Honoured Promotion Sacked Westminster Bubble Audiotape Out Of Context Blogosphere Scandal Scoop The Westminster Hound Entourage Casual Day Planted Question PMQs Abel Cain Slacking Overlooked Result Incident Spokesman Recount Conservative Hold Labour Loss The Count Cleggmania Pathetic Leafleting Tales From The Campaign Trail 2010 Closed Everything Is Broken Target Curtain Salesman Tired Getting On With The Job Failed Coup Political Wilderness Purpose Advice Backfire Indecision Gangway Casework Foxhunting Family Values Mea Culpa Scapegoat Containment Gaffe Trouble Ahead Question Time Triumphalism Gloat Mediocrity Sympathy Pity Conference Involved Machiavelli Recess Law & Order Perks Welcome Back Job Advert Headhunted Broke Mire Council Working From Home Procrastination Bluff Battle Of Wits Competition Contribution High Achiever Rival Intern Tea Boy Menial Road to Nowhere #1